Hall of Fame
The Louisiana Athletic Trainers' Association Hall of Fame is designed to recognize and honor those members of our state who performed extraordinary service and brought honor to the profession of athletic training particularly at the LATA level. Service at local, state, and national levels is considered but service to LATA is the primary consideration. Additional Hall of Fame information can be found HERE.
Educational Scholarships
The Louisiana Athletic Trainers' Association recognizes two collegiate athletic training students for their hard work, dedication or academic achievements in their pursuit towards the profession of athletic training. Athletic trainers, coaches, principals, counselors, etc. are encouraged to consider nominating a deserving student for these awards.
The Louisiana Athletic Trainers' Association recognizes several individuals for their hard work, dedication or service towards the profession of athletic training.
Sports Medicine Person of the Year - This award is given to the person that has contributed to LATA and athletic training as a profession. Both medical and non-medical persons can be recipients of this award. This award is the highest award given to a person who may not be an athletic trainer and is designed to show the district’s appreciation for particular contributions to the field of athletic training in the southeast.
This award does not have to be presented annually if there are no qualified candidate(s) nominated.
Must be nominated online by 3 people (2 of which must be certified members of LATA) providing a recommendation detailing the nominee’s contributions to LATA, or the profession of athletic training.
Nominees must have 15 years of service in an area of athletic training within the geographical region of LATA.
Bob Goodwin Awards of Merit - An award for open nominations for individuals excelling, supporting, and promoting the profession of Athletic Training in the state of Louisiana. Nomination Link
Nomination by a Professional Member of LATA; OR a high school principal/administrator
Nomination form submitted by April 30th.
Must be providing athletic training services to a Louisiana high school
Personal recommendation letters attesting to the applicant's merit for the award
LATA Backbone Award - It is designed to recognize an assistant athletic trainer that has played a major role as backbone to the Head Athletic Trainer. This award is for the person in the trenches that is there day to day what is needed in the athletic training room, the true professional.
College AT and/or Staff Award - This award will recognize an athletic trainer at the college/university level for service to the institution, the community, as well as LATA. This person serves many functions in addition to athletic training.
Clinic/Outreach Award - We will honor an athletic trainer that has represented our profession well in a clinic, industrial or corporate environment. This venue of service enlightens the public to the many benefits of having an athletic trainer in the workplace.